13 Oct 2024 – a day of disaster and miracles (taken from an upcoming blog)
What a nightmare of a day this turned out to be! We set off to head towards a campsite in Tuscany and decided to call in to a hardware store to pick up an electrical cable for camping. All was going well, we had the usual pictures taken by onlookers, had a snack and used the facilities before the 4-hour ride ahead of us. While riding, I noticed quite a few open fields and decided to leave the highway to find a place to let the dogs off for a run around. Eventually we came across a gravel track that led downhill to the fields I was looking for. I didn’t like the look of the track but we decided chance it anyway. I will never ignore my intuition ever again; it wasn’t long before Zsofi came off her bike on the gravel. Then while I was trying to manoeuvre her bike, I dropped it again.
We finally got the bikes parked on the field and it was at this point Zsofi said, “where is my leg bag?” This would be the leg bag with here credit cards in! After a bit of hunting around the area that the bikes had gone over, the dawn of realisation swept over us that we had left it behind at the hardware store, which was an hour and a half away. Phone calls were made to the store but nothing had been found. I remembered seeing that Zsofi had put her bag on the pannier of the bike and knew we must have ridden away with it still there. There was nothing for it but to ride all the way back and hope for the best but finding it ever again was very unlikely.
It was my turn to come off my bike on the gravel track as I hit a rut. I was lucky not to land in the ditch but we still couldn’t pick it back up. Nothing else for it but to unload the bike to get it back up. Eventually we got the bike back up and reloaded it minus Molly, who Zsofi would walk up the hill. I can honestly say this was the hardest thing I’ve ever done on a bike! The bike was just sliding backwards down the hill and Zsofi was doing her best to hang on to it. After a couple of failed attempts to get traction, I decided the best course of action was to just power out of it, I’ll either come off again or make it to the top of the hill. Thankfully, it was option 2.
On the way back to the hardware store in the vain hope we would find her bag, I remembered the time I lost my wallet while riding and found it again by circling back a few times and watching the roadside. I decided to keep my eye out when we were about 15 minutes away, I figured that it would never have lasted any longer than that laying on the pannier. I also considered that if we were ever to see it again, it would have to have fallen off where no one walks, very unlikely. Riding in silence, we both ran the scenarios of what we would need to do next; cancel all the cards, replace the cards and driving license, have them sent to Zsofi’s parents, fly home to get them or even were we going back to Budapest for the winter? 20 minutes away from the store we hit a stretch of road and I thought ‘this would be an ideal place for it to be, a country road with no footpaths. Low and behold, out the corner of my eye, I spotted the bag on the grass verge! A slightly illegal U-turn later and the bag was safely retrieved with all its contents intact. Finding a bag that fell off a bike at speed over 3 hours previously, well you don’t get much luckier than that.
8 Oct 2024 – leaving Sicily behind
After travelling around Sicily for a couple of weeks. it was with some sadness that we started to head back to mainland Italy. We will miss our friend Natale, who was a great guide during our stay.
We even had an interview with one of the major Sicilian newspapers about our adventure!
If you have never been to Sicily, you really need to go! The people, the sights and especially the food, oh my god!
The traffic is a bit mental in the busy towns and cities but you kinda get used to it after a while. We have seen so much and I must admit, I was very tempted to stay there for the winter as the temperature is similar to Spain in the colder months.
We have also been bitten by the camping bug and have loved stopping over for a night without the need to unpack all the bikes. As we push further north in Italy, we have noticed it getting harder to find campsites that are still open. On the plus side, we have just found a cracking accommodation an hour away from Naples for the next few days that cost us the same as the camping did.
2 Oct 2024 – Update about Greece
I finally finished part 1 and 2 of the Greek blogs, hoorah! We are now in Sicily and have had ropey WIFI for about a week so its been slow going as far as the website is concerned. I’ll release part 1 of the Greece blog now and part 2 will follow a little later. I hope you enjoy reading it.
With a bit of luck and good WIFI, I hope to start putting the Italian blogs together. I can’t tell you how much fun Sicily has been, the food the people and the landscape are amazing. The traffic is a bit mental but you kinda get used to it after a while.
We are currently on the west coast and in a few days will start our way back over towards Messina to catch ferry back to the mainland.
14 Sept 2024 – Parga, GPS has a sense of humour!
Today was a mix of emotions thanks to our navigation system. The ride from Lafkada to Parga was simply stunning with its coastal route and lush greenery in every direction. Along with the smooth tarmac, it was an absolute joy to ride. At one point we saw a petrol station on the opposite side of the road that overlooked the sea with beautiful garden seating situated under various trees, so we just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to refuel earlier and have a drink.
All was going well until we hit Parga and the GPS decided it would be much more entertaining to take us up a mountain track that would be better described as a hiking trail. Adding insult to injury, it also got us lost and took us up, down and off road along some impossible tracks. Zsofi lost the bike on a tough corner that was a who’s who of what corners not to attempt and eventually we headed down the steepest concrete track into the town, in the hope the GPS would recalculate and point us to a better road. It did indeed take us to a better track but not by much, the very rough concrete track that led to the apartment was straight up with severe hairpin turns, this was first gear all the way up and one hell of a challenge.
On reaching the accommodation, I managed to drop my bike with Molly on, simply trying to turn my bike around outside the house we had rented, this would be the second time today that pure anger has fuelled our ability to lift 2 fully loaded bikes. The beauty of dropping a fully loaded bike, is that it basically rolls with very little damage to the actual bike itself.
Our original idea was to book this accommodation for 3 nights and if we liked it, to see if we could book an additional 3 nights and use it as a base for day trips. Now our concern is navigating that same challenging road each time we want to leave the property. The jury is still out and we will discuss further after a night’s sleep.
9 Sept 2024 – Ioannina
We arrived at the beautiful ‘The View Hotel’ which overlooks the town of Ioannina and Lake Pamvotida. The hotel has only been open 6 months and has a very new feel to it. The staff are very polite and there is garage parking for our bikes. Getting back out of the garage will be interesting as the steep downhill driveway with several twists would test any car driver, let alone a couple of fully loaded bikes carrying dogs! I may have to video it just to do it justice.
Speaking of dogs, while trying to navigate our way out of Kalabaka, I stopped to fix Molly’s goggles on a bad section of road and ended up dropping the bike. Normally there wouldn’t have been any damage but my pannier hit the curb on it’s corner, so now i have a big dent in it. I might see if I can borrow a hammer and knock it back out tomorrow.
Had a text message come through warning us about severe weather and not to travel, which you would normally just shrug off but when everyone else in the restaurant gets it too, you suddenly become very alert, especially with a dog terrified of thunder but so far so good and all we have seen so far was a bit of rain. Oh and on that subject, Sophie laughed at me for packing my umbrella!
9 September 2024 – Kalabaka
Built on a bloody big hill, Kalabaka is not what we imagined! we thought it would be a bit of a one horse town with one of those shops that opens when it feels like. Well, we were close…if it was a one horse town full of tavernas, shops, cafes and vibrant night life! Oh, and cats and dogs that have no boundaries! This is a place in a region known as Meteora, home to a group of Monasteries perched on top of huge escarpments. We were here only 2 nights but we did get a chance to ride the bikes to all the different view points and the scenery is simply stunning!
This morning, we will head further across Greece to the town of Ioannina, where will spend another couple of nights before heading towards the west coast.
17 August 2024 – The Adventure Begins!
Well the day has finally arrived where we begin our new life on the road. It’s been a crazy 3 months during which we have put our house on the market and sold it, sold most of our possessions through online markets and garage sales, bought 2 new bikes, kitted the bikes out with dog carriers, taught the dogs to ride in the carriers, jumped through legal hoops with regards to giving up our address and all this while sorting out the planning and holding down 2 jobs!
Needles to say, I’ve been a bit slow with my updates here but that is about to change. Today we will be heading towards Romania but first we will be meeting with friends at a nearby McDonalds who will be joining us for the first couple of days.
18 April 2024 – Ragthered and SophieS live on Twitch
Join us this Friday from 5pm to 8pm (Central European Time) as Sophie and I start our very first live stream together on Twitch. During our shows not only can you follow along with our preparation for the craziest road trip that starts this November but also you will be able to join us on the road too! Across various countries we will bring you guys live updates on locations, people, food, bikes and anything else we come across from the interesting to the downright weird!
18 April 2024 – Part 1 of the Pooch Carrier
The plates from BRE – Backroadequipment.com arrived quite quickly today that will be fitted to the bikes for the Pillion Pooch carries to be fixed too. And yes that Tax man saw us coming and we had to fork over another 100 Euro for the privilege! Just waiting for the Pooch carries and bike snow…just the little things right!
9 April 2024 – A close call
As you know we will be heading off to the Balkans in a few weeks and my new Triumph should be ready soon, or so we thought.Sophie sold her bike last weekend so the plan was she would use my Suzuki to travel round the Balkans and I would be on the new Triumph but oh no, my bike won’t be ready in time, nooooooo! but Sophie was not going to let that go with the local Triumph dealer (great guys by the way) and as a result, Triumph have offered me last years Tiger 900 for a week to go away with, result! Thank you Noel from Triumph Budapest!
3 April 2024 – A change of mind
My Triumph Tiger 1200 Rally Explorer arrived in the country last week, so the wife and I decided to pop down to Triumph to talk about the paperwork and next steps. However, 5 mins after arrival, I changed my mind and we are now going with s Tiger 900 Rally Pro for me and a Tiger 900 GT Pro for Sophie. It just made more sense from a financial point of view as well as easier road handling. I can’t wait to get my hands on it and run it in!
23 March 2024 – Pillion Pooch
Had a great meeting with Stu from Pillion Pooch who is helping us out with the logistics of taking our 2 dogs permanently on the road with us. Stu and his wife started the company after doing the exact same thing we will be trying at the end of the year or early next year. He also provided some great travel advice, especially about booking accommodation with dogs and content creation while still enjoying the open road. If you are thinking about travelling with your pets or just have a general curiosity, please check out Pillion Pooch, they are super friendly and helpful!
22 March 2024 – Ragthered
Today we visited Ticci Rockabilly clothing to try on some clothing for a shoot next Monday, it would have been nice to take the bikes and get some footage but we will have to take the car because of the gear we will be taking with us. We are expecting great results, the photographer is even trying to get hold of a classic for the shoot. You will be able to read the full blog next week here: The Blog – Adventure stories from the road – Ragthered & Sophie S
A Yorkshireman travelling the world with his wife and dogs on 2 Triumph 900's. With a passion for writing and photography and terrible organisational skills, he hopes to bring you stories and exciting images from the road. Sometimes he'll even manage to do it on time!