A Motorcycle Journey Through Spain: An Adventure On Triumph Tigers
Our motorcycle Journey through Spain continued on a crisp morning as we revved up our Triumph Tiger 900s, Ricky and Molly, our two border collies, eagerly watching the world go by from their pooch carriers on the bikes. Leaving Andorra behind, we descended through the scenic Pyrenees, with its winding roads offering breathtaking views of rugged mountains and verdant valleys.

Motorcycle Touring in France
We’ve been on the road for about 3 months at the time of writing this article and we still love doing what we are doing but it is funny how your mindset starts to change over time. For example, we spend all our time watching how long we spend in a location in the knowledge that we have to get to Spain in time to cross the Pyrenees before the snow comes or we are watching every weather report there is to make sure we navigate around any serious downpours, such as the terrible storms in Valencia just recently…

Motorcycle Touring And Camping In Italy – Pt3
On arriving at the campsite, we couldn’t help but notice that we were the only people there. Zsofi went off to do the usual booking in while I kept an eye on the dogs and gear, this had been our usual routine since we set off on our trip. A short time later, Zsofi returned with a big smile on her face and proclaimed “they have a brewery!” we could also pitch wherever we wanted and there was electric hook up on most of the pitches. ‘Brewery you say, well that’s my evening sorted’, cried my inner demon..

Motorcycle Touring And Camping In Italy – Pt2
Something I’ve noticed about the dogs that wonder around the streets of Sicily is that they all look the same. Same size, same colour and same clotted wirelike hair. I imagine there is some big white gigolo hound roaming the Sicilian countryside terrorizing neighbourhoods.

Motorcycle Touring And Camping In Italy – Pt1
Our first experience of motorcycle touring in Italy, was sitting in a MacDonalds, trying to keep Molly calm during a thunderstorm that was like no other. It was a day later that we heard about Storm Boris ravaging the north east part of the country. We had been lucky in our choice of direction and remained dry until our first nights accommodation in Lecce.

Riding Motorcycles in greece pt2
As we continue riding motorcycles in Greece, we were now in the middle of the country in a very unique region known as the Meteora. The landscape takes a sudden change and in contrast, is very different from the eastern coast. The sandy beaches are now replaced by rocky mountain ranges and the roads begin to test our abilities to ride on fully loaded bikes carrying dogs. The issue of being able to put your side stand down on a full bike is becoming more and more apparent now and this will always be a burden as we continue our journey…

Riding Motorcycles in greece pt1
After leaving Bulgaria, we decided it was time to slow things down a bit and just take our time riding motorcycles in Greece. The plan was always to have as little plans as possible to give us the flexibility of stopping longer at places we enjoyed or even just changing direction should the opportunity present itself…

Motorcycle Touring Through Bulgaria
The funny thing about cooking beans on toast in an apartment, is that it’s one of those moments that snaps you back to reality and hammers home that you are not on holiday. We may need to eat more beans on toast going forward!

Motorcycle Ride Through Romania with friends
It’s been 16 days since we sold everything and set off on our adventures with our dogs. On our Triumph Tiger 900 motorcycles, fitted with our pooch carriers, we have covered a motorcycle ride through Romania friends and continued on to Bulgaria.

The Rope Game
It took all 3 of us to hold Sophie up, navigate through flowing dresses and high heels and tie each rope individually to the rig. This was great fun to do, well for most of us, as poor Sophie’s entire job at this point was to, well, basically just hang around for a bit.

Crash, Bang, Wallop, what a picture!
…However, things did no start well. As we were pulling into the Arena car-park on our motorcycles, we both hit some unmarked roadworks. Sophie had quite a wobble and managed to get her foot down before losing the bike. I on the other hand, was not so fortunate…
29 April 2024 – by Ragthered

The first photoshoot in Novi Sad!
I can’t say the trip to Novi Sad wasn’t without excitement as the Triumph Tiger 900 that Triumph Budapest had loaned me for the Balkan tour was badly in need of fuel and we had already passed one fuel station that had closed down and another that was out of fuel. With gods mocking us, we decided to leave the highway in search of any patrol station and fortunately, it was too long before we found one.
28 April 2024 – by Ragthered

A very Rockabilly experience
Well what a project this was! A 50’s style rockabilly photoshoot in the city of Pecs that brought together a team of people from all over the country. It was definitely a challenge to not only bring together a photographer, a designer, a make-up artist, and a hairdresser but to do it all rockabilly style. Well, you can only imagine the sleepless nights!
25 March 2024 – by Ragthered

Floppy disks and Walkman’s
…I watched in awe as Gergő performed the ‘Furniture Square Dance’, kind of like Tetris with tables and chairs. Like a hovering mother, I was ready to swoop in at any moment to rescue my GoPros that I had strategically set up on the furniture that was now in the process of a small military two step…
10 March 2024 – by Ragthered

A Roll of the Dice
Well, that was the plan. It was a good plan, a safe plan, a sensible plan, but no, that wasn’t enough for my crazy wife and myself. Whatever could we do to improve our genius venture? Oh, I know, let’s sell everything we own, find some way of taking our two border collies with us, and hit the road permanently! If we are unable to make a living along the way, the sale of the house will keep us going for a year. Who wouldn’t want to give that a go, right??…
6 March 2024 – by Ragthered

Kick-starting the Project
At this age, I never really thought about pursuing being a model as such, but curiosity got the better of me. Can a woman over 40 become a model? How do you even go about it? How much money is in modelling?
3 March 2024 – by SophieS

The Project is Underway!
Brigitta Orcsi sent me a message as soon as I posted about my plans to find photographers around Hungary for a 40+ model shoot. She was the first one and immediately came with a specific proposal about this clean, very professional portrait shoot, with inspirational ideas already gathered…
4 March 2024 – By SophieS

Lights, Camera & Coffee!
Today, we would meet a photographer in a neighbouring village called Szillard Bodrogközi. Szillard had long grey hair and a beard to match and had spent most of his life rocking out and attending gigs as a photographer. I can only imagine the stories he could tell! Our original meeting with him the previous week involved a lot of coffee and a lot of smoking, and it seemed today would be no different…
18 Feb 2024 – by Ragthered